Starry Kalahari

Deep in the Kalahari Desert, beneath the starry still of night, nocturnal creatures awake and begin their evening escapades. This story guides the reader through a journey of poetry, facts and fascination from the deepest of night, to the first glint of dawn in the beautiful setting of Africa.

Starry Kalahari is an ward-winning 275-word nonfiction picture book manuscript.

SCBWI Barbara Karlin Grant

I just found out that Starry Kalahari won the SCBWI 2010 Barbara Karlin Runner-Up Grant. What an honor! Thank you to the SCBWI Barbara Karlin Grant Committee and a special thanks to Ann Whitford Paul for making the Runner-Up Grant possible.


Diana Murray said...

Congratulations, Jenni!!! I didn't realize you write in rhyme. There's another thing we have in common. :)

The book sounds beautiful. LOVE the title.

Looking forward to hearing about more successes.

Jenni Bielicki said...

Thanks Diana! And a HUGE congrats to you for winning the Barbara Karlin Grant!!! I'm looking forward to hearing about the success that's just around the corner for you and your manuscript. Enjoy the journey