Starry Kalahari

Deep in the Kalahari Desert, beneath the starry still of night, nocturnal creatures awake and begin their evening escapades. This story guides the reader through a journey of poetry, facts and fascination from the deepest of night, to the first glint of dawn in the beautiful setting of Africa.

Starry Kalahari is an ward-winning 275-word nonfiction picture book manuscript.

Starry Kalahari wins First Place

Jenni's manuscript, Starry Kalahari won the nonfiction category at the SCBWI-LA Writers Day.


Carmela Martino said...

Congratulations, Jenni. Sounds like a wonderful manuscript.

Jenni Bielicki said...

Thank you Carmela. I'm looking forward to sharing it with children (and their teachers) everywhere!

I love your website, by the way :)

AS said...

I love the silhouettes of the baobab trees against a setting sun in the picture--very fitting for your PB story, which will delight children with its rhymes. Good luck with the queries!

Anne Speirs

Juliet Clare Bell said...

Congratulations again. Good luck with getting it into print...


Jenni Bielicki said...

Thanks to you both Anne and Clare! I appreciate your well wishes :)